Where can I buy bushwalking and camping gear?
Always buy bushwalking and camping gear from a reputable specialist supplier and discuss your needs and requirements with a knowledgeable sales assistant. The bushwalking and camping retailers listed below range from self-service retail chain stores that offer minimal assistance to highly specialised retailers employing staff who offer advice based on extensive practical experience. Cost is not the only consideration when buying outdoor gear. It is essential to receive good advice to ensure the product meets your needs.
The following list of outdoor gear suppliers in NSW and the ACT is provided for information only and does not include all suppliers in New South Wales. If a supplier is not included in the list it does not imply any comment on their products and services. If you discover inaccurate information in the list or want to suggest an addition to the list, please let us know.
Bushwalking NSW does not recommend or endorse the companies mentioned on this website. Bushwalking NSW does not accept liability for product defects, inappropriate advice given by a sales assistant or any other problems you may encounter with a supplier. All problems with suppliers and their products should be addressed directly to the supplier.
Where can I buy bushwalking and camping gear in Sydney CBD?
In Sydney, Kent Street has been nicknamed “Adventure Alley” due to the concentration of bushwalking gear suppliers.
Supplier | Address | Contact |
Kathmandu | 105 George Street The Rocks, Sydney NSW 2000 |
(02) 9241 2458 https://www.kathmandu.com.au |
Kathmandu | 327 George Street, Sydney NSW 2000 |
(02) 9127 7868 https://www.kathmandu.com.au |
Kathmandu | Town Hall Arcade shop 35, 464-480 Kent St,Sydney NSW 2000 |
(02) 9241 8901 https://www.kathmandu.com.au |
Larry Adler Ski & Outdoor | 493-497 Kent Street Sydney NSW 2000 | (02) 9264 2500 https://www.larryadler.com |
Macpac | Shop 42-44, Town Hall Arcade 464-480 Kent Street Sydney NSW 2000 | (02) 9078 2503 https://www.macpac.com.au |
Mountain Designs | Online only or at Anaconda stores | https://www.mountaindesigns.com |
Mountain Equipment | 491 Kent Street Sydney NSW 2000 | (02) 9264 5888 https://www.mountainequipment.com |
Paddy Pallin | 507 Kent Street Sydney NSW 2000 | (02) 8029 0125 https://www.paddypallin.com.au |
Trek & Travel | 447 Kent Street Sydney NSW 2000 | (02) 9261 3435 https://www.trekandtravel.com.au |
Where can I buy bushwalking and camping gear in suburban Sydney?
Location | Company | Address | Contact |
Auburn | BCF | Cnr Parramatta & Rawson Street Auburn NSW 2141 | (02) 9648 4366 https://www.bcf.com.au |
Kathmandu | Redyard Outlet Centre Shop 7, 100 Parramatta Road Auburn NSW 2144 | (02) 9737 0622 https://www.kathmandu.com.au | |
Bankstown | BCF | 9-67 Chapel Road, South Bankstown NSW 2200 | (02) 9707 1699 https://www.bcf.com.au |
Blacktown | BCF | 9-67 Chapel Road, Blacktown NSW 2148 | (02) 9676 3320 https://www.bcf.com.au |
Bondi Junction | Kathmandu | Shop 1, 209 Oxford Street Bondi Junction NSW 2022 | (02) 9386 5266 https://www.kathmandu.com.au |
Macpac | Shop 5012, Westfield Bondi Junction NSW 2022 | (02) 9180 5710 https://www.macpac.com.au | |
Brookvale | Kathmandu | Warringah Mall, Shop 2615-2616, 145 Old Pittwater Road, Brookvale NSW 2100 | (02) 9907 4500 https://www.kathmandu.com.au |
Anaconda | Tenancy 1162, 63 Condamine Street and Old Pittwater Road, Brookvale NSW 2100 | (02) 8035 6100 https://www.anacondastores.com | |
Burwood | Kathmandu | shop 353/100 Burwood Rd Burwood NSW 2134 | (02) 9745 2379 https://www.kathmandu.com.au |
Campbelltown | Anaconda | 22B, Blaxland Road, Campbelltown NSW 2560 | (02) 4624 0900 https://www.anacondastores.com |
Kathmandu | Shop 88, Level 2, 200 Gilchrist Drive Campbelltown NSW 2560 | (02) 7202 7205 https://www.kathmandu.com.au | |
BCF | 21 Blaxland Road Campbelltown NSW 2560 | (02) 4620 4855 https://www.bcf.com.au | |
Camperdown | Macpac | 93-99 Parramatta Road Camperdown NSW 2050 | (02) 8417 2444 https://www.macpac.com.au |
Castle Hill | BCF | 27 Victoria Avenue Castle Hill NSW 2154 | (02) 9680 7833 https://www.bcf.com.au |
Kathmandu | Castle Towers Shopping Centre, Shop 491, 14 Old Castle Hill Road Castle Hill NSW 2154 | (02) 9659 2199 https://www.kathmandu.com.au | Casula | BCF | Crossroads Homemaker Centre Casula NSW 2170 | (02) 8106 2010 https://www.bcf.com.au |
Chatswood | Anaconda | 157 Lower Gibbs Street Chatswood NSW 2067 | (02) 7966 2400 https://www.anacondastores.com | BCF | Unit 1B, 372 Eastern Valley Way Chatswood NSW 2076 | (02) 9020 4810 https://www.bcf.com.au |
Kathmandu | Westfield Shopping Centre Shop 521-6A, Level 5, 1 Anderson Street Chatswood NSW 2067 | (02) 9410 0963 https://www.kathmandu.com.au | |
Larry Adler Ski & Outdoor | 488 Penshurst Street Chatswood NSW 2067 | (02) 9417 7044 https://www.larryadler.com | |
Mountain Equipment | 72 Archer Street Chatswood NSW 2067 | (02) 9419 6955 https://www.mountainequipment.com | |
Chullora | Anaconda | 62 Hume Highway Chullora NSW 2190 | 9527 6600 https://www.anacondastores.com |
Collaroy | Larry Adler Ski & Outdoor | 1024 Pittwater Road Collaroy NSW 2097 | (02) 9971 8711 https://www.larryadler.com |
Outdoor Shack | Online only | (02) 0488 070 014 https://www.outdoorshack.com.au | |
Drummoyne | Kathmandu | Birkenhead Point Centre, Shop 1A, 1 Roseby Street Drummoyne NSW 2047 | (02) 9181 5766 https://www.kathmandu.com.au |
Macpac | Birkenhead Point Centre, Level 3, Shop 337, 1 Roseby Street Drummoyne NSW 2047 | (02) 9078 2505 https://www.macpac.com.au | |
Eastern Creek | Anaconda | Eastern Creek Quarter, Major position 1, 2 Goldsbro Glade Eastern Creek NSW 2766 | 8663 7472 https://www.anacondastores.com |
Eastgardens | Kathmandu | Westfield Eastgardens Shop 209, 152 Bunnerong Road NSW 2036 | (02) 9349 2336 https://www.kathmandu.com.au |
Gregory Hills | Camping World | 1/7 Rodeo Drive, Gregory Hills NSW 2557 | (02) 4605 0456 https://www.campingworld.com.au |
Homebush | Kathmandu | Shop 3-052, DFO, 3-5 Underwood Road, Homebush NSW 2140 | (02) 9746 0888 https://www.kathmandu.com.au |
Macpac | Shop 2-006 Homebush NSW 2140 | (02) 8216 6110 https://www.macpac.com.au | |
Hornsby | Kathmandu | Westfield Shoppingtown Hornsby Shop 3100, 236 Pacific Highway Hornsby NSW 2077 | (02) 9476 1399 https://www.kathmandu.com.au |
Hurstville | Macpac | 3 Cross St & Park St Hurstville NSW 2220 | (02) 7231 3910 https://www.macpac.com.au |
Lidcombe | Anaconda | Power Centre, 92 Parramatta Road Lidcombe NSW 2141 | (02) 7996 9713 https://www.anacondastores.com |
McGraths Hill | BCF | 10 Industry Road McGraths Hill NSW 2756 | 4587 9870 https://www.bcf.com.au |
Marsden Park | Anaconda | 17/43 Hollinsworth Road, Marsden Park NSW 2765 | 8603 7400 https://www.anacondastores.com |
BCF | 9 Home Hub, Hollinsworth Road, Marsden Park NSW 2765 | 8603 3110 https://www.bcf.com.au | Minchinbury | BCF | Tenancy 11 Building C, John Hines Avenue Minchinbury NSW 2770 | (02) 8652 0910 https://www.bcf.com.au |
Miranda | Macpac | Shop 3030/1, Westfield 600 Kingsway Miranda NSW 2228 | (02) 9078 2500 https://www.macpac.com.au |
Kathmandu | Shop 3032, Westfield 600 Kinsgway Miranda NSW 2228 | (02) 9531 5137 https://www.kathmandu.com.au | |
Moore Park | Anaconda | Homemaker Supa Centre Cnr South Dowling and Todman Avenue Kensington NSW 2033 | (02) 8344 4400 https://www.anacondastores.com |
Narellan | Kathmandu | Narellan Town Centre, Shop 77, 326 Camden Valley Way, Narellan NSW 2567 | (02) 4647 8135 https://www.kathmandu.com.au |
North Ryde | Kathmandu | Macquarie Centre, Shop 430, 109 Waterloo Road North Ryde NSW 2113 |
(02) 9889 1255 https://www.kathmandu.com.au |
Macpac | Macquarie Centre, Shop 428A, Cnr Herring & Waterloo Road North Ryde NSW 2113 | (02) 9078 2515 https://www.macpac.com.au | |
Parramatta | Kathmandu | Tenancy 2128/2129, Westfield Parramatta Shopping Centre, 159-175 Church Street, Parramatta NSW 2150 | (02) 9687 1737 https://www.kathmandu.com.au |
Macpac | Shop 245, Westfield Parramatta NSW 2151 | (02) 9078 2550 https://www.macpac.com.au | |
Paddy Pallin | 16 Hunter Street Parramatta NSW 2150 | (02) 8120 8973 https://www.paddypallin.com.au | |
Penrith | Anaconda | Penrith Homemaker Centre, Shop 14, 23 Pattys Place Jamisontown NSW 2750 | (02) 4744 1524 https://anacondastores.com |
Kathmandu | Westfield Penrith, Shop 142-143, Level 1, 585 High Street Penrith NSW 2750 | (02) 4721 3738 https://www.kathmandu.com.au | |
BCF | 120 Mulgoa Road Penrith NSW 2750 | (02) 4733 0110 https://www.bcf.com.au | |
Macpac | Shop 345, Penrith Homemaker Centre, Jamisontown NSW 2750 | (02) 4749 7700 https://www.macpac.com.au | |
Richmond | All Camping Richmond Camping Supplies | 340 Windsor Street Richmond NSW 2753 | (02) 4578 3004 https://www.allcamping.com.au |
Rockdale | Anaconda | Level 1, 381 Princes Highway Banksia NSW 2216 | (02) 9503 8200 https://www.anacondastores.com |
Rouse Hill | Kathmandu | Rouse Hill Town Centre, GR10, Shop 172, 14 Market Lane Rouse Hill NSW 2155 | (02) 8824 5177 https://www.kathmandu.com.au |
Macpac | Shop AGR042 Rouse Hill Town Centre Rouse Hill NSW 2155 | (02) 8652 1500 https://www.macpac.com.au | |
Taren Point | BCF | 119-121 Parraweena Road Taren Point NSW 2229 | (02) 9525 0346 https://www.bcf.com.au |
Warringah | Macpac | Shop 2635, Westfield Warringah Mall, cnr Condamine Street and Brookvale Road, Warringah NSW 2100 | 8405 4738 https://www.macpac.com.au |
West Ryde | Alpsport | 1045-1047 Victoria Road West Ryde NSW 2114 | (02) 9858 5844 https://www.alpsport.com.au |
Wetherill Park | BCF | 1183-1187 The Horsley Drive Wetherill Park NSW 2164 | (02) 9725 5749 https://www.bcf.com.au |
Kathmandu | Stockland Shopping Centre, Shop MM4, 561-583 Polding Street,Wetherill Park NSW 2164 | (02) 9756 1748 https://www.kathmandu.com.au |
Where can I buy bushwalking and camping gear in Regional NSW and the ACT?
Location | Company | Address | Contact |
Albury | Adventure Gear | 479 Dean Street Albury NSW 2640 | (02) 6021 6200 https://www.adventuregearonline.com.au |
Anaconda | Tenancy 16, 94 Borella Road Albury NSW 2640 | (02) 6009 0400 https://www.anacondastores.com | |
Great Outdoors | 415 Wagga Road, Lavington, Albury NSW 2641 | (02) 6040 6344 https://www.greatoutdoorsalbury.com.au | |
Armidale | BCF | 136 Miller Street Armidale NSW 2350 | (02) 6771 1088 https://www.bcf.com.au |
Ballina | BCF | 86 Tamar Street Ballina NSW 2478 | (02) 5630 1410 https://www.bcf.com.au |
Batemans Bay | BCF | 49 Orient Streeet Batemans Bay NSW 2536 | (02) 4445 8610 https://www.bcf.com.au |
Bathurst | BCF | 240 Sydney Road Kelso NSW 2795 | (02) 6331 4188 https://www.bcf.com.au |
Camping World | Shop 6, 170 Sydney Road Kelso NSW 2795 | (02) 6358 0995 https://www.campingworld.com.au | |
Belrose | Anaconda | Belrose Supa Centa 4-6 Niangala Close Belrose NSW 2085 | (02) 9485 8300https://www.anacondastores.com |
BCF | 1 Niangala Close Belrose NSW 2085 | (02) 9986 2087 https://www.bcf.com.au | |
Bennetts Green | BCF | 7-15 Groves Road Bennetts Green NSW 2290 | (02) 4947 4066 https://www.bcf.com.au |
Anaconda | Building 2, Tenancy 1, 20 Pacifici Highway Bennets Green NSW 2290 | (02) 4037 9900 https://www.anacondastores.com | |
Canberra | Anaconda | 36 Iron Knob Street Fyshwick ACT 2609 | (02) 6123 3600 https://www.anacondastores.com |
Anaconda | T6-35 Crinigan Circle Gungahlin ACT 2912 | (02) 5135 9000 https://www.anacondastores.com | |
BCF | Tenancy A, cnr Nettlefold and Egan Court, Belconnen ACT 2617 | (02) 6251 1006 https://www.bcf.com.au | |
BCF | 47 Newcastle Street Fyshwick ACT 2609 | (02) 6280 8888 https://www.bcf.com.au | |
BCF | 215 Scollay Street, T4, Greenway (Tuggeranong) ACT 2901 | (02) 6293 1855 https://www.bcf.com.au | |
Kathmandu Outlet | Tenancy A16, Canberra Centre, 148 Bunda Street, Braddon, Canberra ACT 2608 | (02) 6257 9280 http://www.kathmandu.com.au | |
Kathmandu | Westfield Belconnen, Shop 303, 20 Benjamin Way Belconnen ACT 2617 | (02) 6251 7678 https://www.kathmandu.com.au | |
Kathmandu | 2612 Unit 3-4/ 6 Lonsdale St Braddon ACT 2612 | (02) 6257 5926 https://www.kathmandu.com.au | |
Kathmandu | Westfield Woden, Level 2 Shop 024, 8A Keltie St Woden ACT 2606 | (02) 9682 3500 https://www.kathmandu.com.au | |
Macpac | 10 Lonsdale Street Braddon ACT 2612 | (02) 4311 5038 https://www.macpac.com.au | |
Macpac | T 162 Canberra Outlet Centre, Fyshwick ACT 2609 | (02) 6145 2080 https://www.macpac.com.au | |
Macpac | Shop 310 Westfield Belconnen ACT 2617 | (02) 9078 2552 https://www.macpac.com.au | |
Macpac | 7-15 Mustang Avenue Majura ACT 2609 | (02) 6145 2155 https://www.macpac.com.au | |
Paddy Pallin | 6 Lonsdale Street Braddon ACT 2612 | (02) 6257 3883 https://www.paddypallin.com.au | |
Charlestown | Kathmandu | Charlestown Square, Level 1, Shop 1054, 30 Pearson Street Charlestown NSW 2290 | (02) 4942 3912 https://www.kathmandu.com.au |
Coffs Harbour | Anaconda | T6-211 Pacific Highway Coffs Harbour NSW 2450 | (02) 5615 8900 https://www.anacondastores.com |
BCF | North Boambee Road Coffs Harbour NSW 2450 | (02) 6651 6500 https://www.bcf.com.au | |
Camping World | 6 North Boambee Road Coffs Harbour NSW 2450 | (02) 6652 7544 https://www.campingworld.com.au | |
Kathmandu | Coffs Central Shopping Centre, Shop 23, 61 Harbour Drive Coffs Harbour NSW 2450 | (02) 6650 0836 https://www.kathmandu.com.au | Cessnock | BCF | BigW Complex 10, Darwin St Cessnock NSW 2325 | (02) 4020 0210 https://www.bcf.com.au |
Dubbo | BCF | 46 Erskine Street Dubbo NSW 2830 | (02) 6882 0233 https://www.bcf.com.au |
Erina | Kathmandu | Erina Fair Shopping Centre, Shop T238-9, 620-658 Terrigal Drive Erina NSW 2250 | (02) 4365 0611 https://www.kathmandu.com.au |
Macpac | Tenancy AXA 01, Erina Fair Shopiing Centre, Terrigal Drive Erina NSW 2250 | (02) 4311 5000 https://www.macpac.com.au | |
Forster | BCF | 33 Breese Parade Forster NSW 2428 | (02) 6532 0910 https://www.bcf.com.au |
Glendale | BCF | 12/25 Stockland Drive, Glendale NSW 2285 | (02) 4056 8710 https://www.bcf.com.au |
Gosford | Anaconda | 28 Pacific Highway(Cnr Yallambee Avenue) West Gosford NSW 2250 | (02) 4335 5191 https://www.anacondastores.com.au |
BCF | 356-374 Manns Road West Gosford NSW 2250 | 02 4322 5833 https://www.bcf.com.au | |
Goulburn | BCF | 1/130 Hume St NSW 2580 | (02) 4885 1810 https://www.bcf.com.au |
Grafton | BCF | 1-5 Iolanthe Street Grafton NSW 2460 | (02) 9346 1610 https://www.bcf.com.au |
Griffith | BCF | 86 Willandra Avenue Griffith NSW 2680 | (02) 6962 4235 https://www.bcf.com.au |
Heatherbrae | BCF | 4/8 Griffin Street Heatherbrae NSW 2324 | (02) 4008 5810 https://www.bcf.com.au |
Inverell | Camping World | 122 Byron Street Inverell NSW 2360 | (02) 6722 3620 https://www.campingworld.com.au |
Jindabyne | Larry Adler Ski & Outdoor | Shop 3 Nuggets Crossing Jindabyne NSW 2627 | (02) 6457 2233 https://www.larryadler.com |
Wilderness Sports | Shop 1B Nuggets Crossing Jindabyne NSW 2627 | (02) 6456 2966 https://www.wildernesssports.com.au | |
Katoomba | Paddy Pallin | 190 Katoomba Street Katoomba NSW 2780 | (02) 4782 6558 https://www.paddypallin.com.au |
Macpac | 212 Katoomba Street Katoomba NSW 2780 | (02) 9078 2510 https://www.macpac.com.au | |
Kempsey | Camping World | 44 Smith Street (On the highway, opposite Woollies) Kempsey NSW 2440 | (02) 6562 4554 https://www.campingworld.com.au |
Lake Haven | BCF | Charmhaven Shopping Plaza, Shop 1, Lake Haven NSW 2263 | (02) 6962 0788 https://www.bcf.com.au |
Lismore | BCF | 28 Tenancy 24, Bruxner Highway, South Lismore NSW 2480 | (02) 5698 2410 https://www.bcf.com.au |
Mittagong | BCF | 98A Bowral Rd Mittagong NSW 2575 | 4817 3700 https://www.bcf.com.au |
Newcastle | Kathmandu | 6 Northcott Drive Kotara NSW 2289 | (02) 4952 1233 https://www.kathmandu.com.au |
Macpac | 22 National Parks Street Newcastle NSW 2302 | (02) 9078 2520 https://www.macpac.com.au | |
Nowra | BCF | 28 Central Avenue Nowra NSW 2541 | (02) 4421 2668 www.bcf.com.au |
Outdoors and Beyond | 207 Princes Highway South Nowra NSW 2541 | (02) 4421 4388 www.outdoorsandbeyond.com.au | |
Orange | Kathmandu | 211-215 Summer Street Orange NSW 2800 | (02) 6360 0185 https://www.kathmandu.com.au |
BCF | Lone Pine Avenue Orange NSW 2800 | (02) 6362 4087 https://www.bcf.com.au | |
Port Macquarie | Anaconda | 180 Lake Road Port Macquarie NSW 2444 | (02) 5525 0300 www.anacondastores.com |
BCF | 160 Hastings River Drive Port Macquarie NSW 2444 | (02) 6583 2455 https://www.bcf.com.au | |
Port Stephens | BCF | 4-6 Innovation Close Taylors Beach NSW 2316 | (02) 4919 0458 https://www.bcf.com.au |
Rutherford | Anaconda | Tenancy 2,Mustang Road and Anambah Road, Rutherford NSW 2320 | (02) 4020 1300 https://www.anacondastores.com |
BCF | 366 New England Highway Rutherford Road NSW 2320 | (02) 4931 9346 https://www.bcf.com.au | |
Shellharbour | Kathmandu | Shop 2042, Shellharbour City Centre, 211 Lake Entrance Road Shellharbour NSW 2529 | (02) 4295 3233 https://www.kathmandu.com.au | BCF | Unit 2, 10 Range Road, Shellharbour City Centre NSW 2529 | (02) 4125 6810 https://www.bcf.com.au |
Tamworth | BCF | 425-437 Goonoo Goonoo Road Tamworth NSW 2340 | (02) 6762 0133 https://www.bcf.com.au |
Camping World | 269 Peel Street Tamworth NSW 2340 | (02) 6766 1824 https://www.campingworld.com.au | |
Kathmandu | 312 Peel Street Tamworth NSW 2340 | (02) 6761 2855 https://www.kathmandu.com.au | |
Taree | BCF | 13 Mill Close Taree NSW 2430 | (02) 6551 8132 https://www.bcf.com.au |
Tuggerah | BCF | Tenancy 4, 150-158A Pacific Hwy Tuggerah NSW 2259 | 02 4351 7655 https://www.bcf.com.au |
Kathmandu | Westfield Tuggerah Shopping Centre, Shop 2011, 50 Wyong Road Tuggerah NSW 2259 | (02) 4353 9699 https://www.kathmandu.com.au | |
Tuggeranong | Macpac | Shop 1- 136 South Point Greenway NSW 2900 | 6136 5710 https://www.macpac.com.au |
Tweed Heads | BCF | 20-26 Greenway Drive Tweed Heads NSW 2485 | (07) 5513 1244https://www.bcf.com.au |
Ulladulla | BCF | Lot 1, 3A Parson St Ulladulla NSW 2539 | 4406 3410 https://www.bcf.com.au |
Wagga Wagga | Anaconda | 129-145 Hammond Avenue Wagga Wagga NSW 2650 | 02 5908 4242 www.anacondastores.com |
BCF | 12-20 Edward Street Wagga Wagga NSW 2650 | 02 6921 2155 https://www.bcf.com.au | |
Kathmandu | 110 Baylis Street Wagga Wagga NSW 2650 | (02) 6971 9500 https://www.kathmandu.com.au | |
Warrawong | BCF | 115 King Street Warrawong NSW 2502 | (02) 4274 1955 https://www.bcf.com.au |
Wollongong | Anaconda | GPT Crown Central, Shop 120A, Level 1, 200 Crown Street Wollongong NSW 2500 | (02) 4223 4700 https://www.anacondastores.com |
Kathmandu | 177 Keira Street Wollongong NSW 2500 | (02) 4225 2888 https://www.kathmandu.com.au |