Safety Getting started Fitness Navigation Weather hazards Learn Food Fires Health Bites and bugs Rescue Children Clubs Hunting 1234567891011121314<> Getting started Bushwalking NSW recommends bush walking with a minimum of three people Learn Find training in minimal impact bushwalking, first aid and navigation Fitness Bushwalking is an activity that requires a moderate level of fitness if you are to enjoy it Navigation A bushwalking gear shop can advise you on the features of GPS useful for bushwalkers Weather hazards Always check weather forecasts before any trip to avoid becoming involved in an incident. First Aid Training First Aid training could save your life. Find a first aid course recommended by Bushwalking NSW Bushfires What to do in a bushfire Hypothermia Avoid hypothermia in cold walking conditions Heat-related health issues Avoid hyperthermia and other heat-related health issues Plan Planning is essential for a safe and pleasurable bushwalk Campfires Do not use stoves or naked flames to cook during a Total Fire Ban or Park Fire Ban Health Knowledge of first aid procedures could save your life or the lives of those around you Bites and bugs Bushwalking is a relatively safe activity when you take adequate precautions. Rescue It is quite possible that at some point you will get lost or injured in the bush Hunting Hunters are required to give the Game Licensing Unit one clear day’s notice for a written booking