Club emblems
Traditionally, many bushwalking clubs produced a club badge embroidered with their emblem. This badge was proudly displayed on members’ backpacks. Today, fewer and fewer clubs observe the tradition. Scroll down to see a selection of these badges.
Brisbane Waters Outdoor Club

Bushwalkers Search and Rescue NSW
The forerunner of Bushwalkers Wilderness Rescue Squad (BWRS) – now known as NSW SES Bush Search and Rescue (BSAR). It was also known as The Search & Rescue Section of the NSW Federation (later Confederation of Bushwalking Clubs of NSW).

Bushwalkers Wilderness Rescue Squad – BWRS

Bush Search and Rescue NSW

Bankstown Bushwalking and Social Club

Canberra Bushwalking Club

Catholic Bushwalking Club

Coast and Mountain Walkers

The Kameruka Bushwalking Club (KBC)
(The Kameruka Bushwalking Club no longer exists)

Mt Druitt Bushwalking Club

Nepean Bushwalking Club

Newcastle Bushwalking Club

The Rucksack Club of Sydney
The Rucksack Club of Sydney existed from 1936 to the 1970s

Scripture Union Bushwalkers
(now known as Sydney Christian Bushwalkers)

Shoalhaven Bushwalkers
Springwood Bushwalking Club
St George Bushwalking Club

Sutherland Bushwalking Club

Sydney Bushwalkers
Sydney Technical College Bushwalking Club (1945-1951)

Sydney University Bushwalking Club

The Bush Club
Tumut and District Bushwalkers

Yarrawood Bushwalking Club
YMCA Hobnails (1952-1970)

YMCA Ramblers