All affiliated club members are welcome to attend Bushwalking NSW quarterly online General Meetings, to learn about bushwalking, share their ideas, and represent the interests of their club.
Bushwalking NSW has general meetings of club delegates four times per year. These are held on the third Tuesday of February, May, August (AGM), and November via Zoom. Contact us to register for online meetings and receive the video link. BNSW New Presidents Vision Quest Meetings are held every 6 weeks at 6pm on Monday via Zoom.
Clubs are encouraged to send delegates to the meetings to contribute to the discussion and to represent the club’s interests. Club members are also encouraged to stand for election to the Bushwalking NSW Management Committee at the Annual General Meeting in August. The Management Committee meets approximately monthly online and at our office.
Next Meetings
Bushwalking NSW General Meetings
ONLINE 7.30 pm Tuesday, 20th May, 2025
Topic: Learn about the threats to our national parks and be part of the launch of the Protect our National Parks project. We’re excited to welcome a panel of passionate guest speakers who will share their insights on the growing threats to Australia’s national parks: • James McCormack – Editor, Wild Magazine, • Dan Broun – Conservationist, Filmmaker (Instagram), • Sonya Underdahl – Professor of Environment and Ecotourism, • Mick Ripon – Teacher, Fisherman.
Across the country, public lands—treasured for their ecological, cultural, and recreational value—are increasingly being targeted for private development. In many cases, commercial interests are prioritised over conservation, leading to new infrastructure, restricted public access, and environmental degradation. It’s a stark reminder that the protection of our national parks requires constant vigilance. Join us for an important discussion on these pressing issues and how we can take action.
Register now.
ONLINE and in person 7.30 pm Tuesday, 19th August, 2025 – AGM
ONLINE Tuesday 18 November 2025
ONLINE Tuesday 17 February 2026
ONLINE Tuesday 19 May 2026
New Presidents Vision Quest Meetings
ONLINE BNSW New Presidents Vision Quest Meetings are held every 6 weeks at 6pm on Monday via Zoom. The next meeting is on Monday 14 April 2025. at 6pm-7pm. Register here.
Small Clubs Alliance Meeting
ONLINE Thursday 27th March 6pm-7pm. Email Kim Long to register.
Our most recent meeting
ONLINE 7.30 pm Tuesday, 18th February, 2025
Topic: What did the Frenchman Francis Barrallier get up to in 1802 and why does it matter? Don’t miss Andy Macqueen OAM’s talk at our February 2025 GM to learn the answer and many other fascinating insights! See agenda here
Club Delegates
Clubs are encouraged to send delegates and members to our meetings to contribute to the discussion and to represent their club’s interests. Clubs must have at least one delegate, and are entitled to a number of votes on motions at Bushwalking NSW General Meetings based on the number of members in the club as follows:
Club size | Number of votes |
up to 150 members | 2 |
151-250 members | 3 |
251-350 members | 4 |
351-450 members | 5 |
over 450 members | 6 |
AGM Minutes, Agendas and Annual Reports
2024 AGM
AGM Tuesday 20 August, 2024 ONLINE and in person at Heritage Room, NSW Teachers Federation Sydney, 23-33 Mary Street, Surrey Hills
Topic: Don’t be the Guy…. Presented by Bruce Lyman – Adventurer, former BNSW Secretary & President of Blue Steel Dash
Topic: When to call for help in the bush by Caro Ryan – Outdoors Advocate, SES Bush Search and Rescue Leader, Club leader
On Tuesday 20th August 2024 at 6:30 (in person) for 7 pm (zoom) – 9:00 PM AEST
Location: Heritage Room, NSW Teachers Federation Sydney, 23-33 Mary Street, Surry Hills (just 5 mins walk from Central) Book here now to attend in person.
2023 AGM
AGM Tuesday, 15th August, 2023 Online and in person at Redfern Town Hall, Level 1, 73 Pitt St, Redfern
Keynote speaker: Dr Les Higgins. Topic: How you can be a leader who enjoys leading.
If you are already a walks leader or interested in leading walks, this night is for you! We know that both leaders and club members will love this talk about how to get the most out of leading. Les will show you why being a bushwalk leader is good for you and others. Les is currently developing leadership training designed to motivate club members to become leaders, and increase awareness of the power of bushwalking to increase wellbeing.
Bushwalking NSW Annual Report 2023
2022 AGM
AGM 2022
ONLINE and IN PERSON Tuesday 16 August 2022 at 7 for 7.30 pm
Presentation by Laura Waters, author of the book BeWILDered. Laura shared the adventure and physical challenges of walking 3,000km down the length of New Zealand on the Te Araroa Trail, and the lessons learned along the way. The walk rewilded her and led to a fundamental life shift on her return. After hiking 3,000km down the length of New Zealand on the Te Araroa Trail, Laura Waters quit a corporate job to chase a childhood dream of becoming a freelance travel writer and author. She writes for major national newspapers and magazines and her memoir ‘Bewildered’ won ‘Best Travel Book 2021’ at the prestigious Australian Society of Travel Writers Awards for Excellence.
Caro Ryan and Ninian Melville were announced as winners of the Chardon Award.
Read the 2022 Annual Report.
Read the agenda
Read the minutes
2021 AGM
Tuesday 17 August 2021, 7pm for 7.30pm Annual General Meeting via Zoom
The Barrington to Boonah Trail presented by Gavin Dale, Secretary, Bushwalking Qld. Inc. and David Bell, Vice-President and Tracks & Access Officer for Bushwalking NSW Inc. The Barrington to Boonah Trail vision is to foster the development a continuous trail linking World-Heritage Gondwana Rainforests between Sydney and Brisbane. The trail extends between the Tops to Myall Trail in the Barrington Tops and Boonah-Ipswich Trail at Boonah, passing through as many Gondwana Rainforests of Australia as reasonable. The trails should also allow access to various points so that small sections can be walked.
Presentation of the 2021 Chardon Award to Keith Maxwell and Brian Harvey Learn more
Election of Bushwalking NSW Management Committee
Past minutes of 2020 AGM. Future plans see: Bushwalking NSW Inc. Strategic Plan . See the full agenda here.
2020 AGM
Tuesday, 18th August, 2020, 7pm AGM Online.
Topic: Kosciuszko National Park: Highs & Horses. Speaker Linda Groom – 2019 winner of the Chardon Award, Save Kosci campaigner, and Canberra Bushwalking Club Leader. Linda gave an update on the impact of feral horses on Kosciuszko National Park. Linda continues to work on the Reclaim Kosci campaign. The draft wild horse management plan for Kosciuszko is due to be issued in September. Join us to hear about the issues for club walkers so you can make a submission and make our voice heard!
Also, don’t miss out on the Chardon Award presentation on the night. Who was awarded the prize this year?
Read the 2020 Annual Report
Watch the video of the meeting.
Minutes of the 2020 AGM
Read our new Constitution.
Read the President’s wrap.
2019 AGM
Annual General Meeting. Tuesday 20 August 2019 Redfern Town Hall 7 pm. Topic: Back from the brink. Past president of the Northern Rivers Bushwalkers Club, Bill Boyd, revealed how they grew the club from 15 members to 300 members – and the vibrant, thriving club it is today with 365 activities a year! Read the agenda and minutes. Read the 2019 Annual Report. You can listen to the very rough recording of the presentation here (we apologise for the sound quality – we welcome your assistance if you have skills in this area, just use our Contact Us form).
2018 AGM
AGM Tuesday 21 August 2018. Redfern Town Hall 7 pm
Guest Speaker Meg McKone from Coast and Mountain Walkers & Canberra Bushwalking Club. Topic: Exploratory trips in the West MacDonnells. Meg took us on a journey of discovery into some of the more interesting exploratory trips she has done in the West MacDonnell Ranges where Meg has made some significant discoveries (as far as she has been able to ascertain) such as “Portals Canyon”, and explored high level crossings of the Chewings Range. Meg also discussed likely places to find water and some of the hazards and delights of bushwalking in this spectacular region. Keith Maxwell spoke on why Bush Search and Rescue has joined the SES. Download his PowerPoint presentation here.
The Bushwalking NSW AGM 2018 agenda is available for viewing. Read the minutes. Read the 2018 Annual Report.
2017 AGM
Euroka Campground, Glenbrook was the setting for a unique meeting on Saturday & Sunday, 12 – 13th August 2017, with an opportunity to participate in free Minimal Impact Bushwalker Train the Trainer education, On Saturday there was a choice of walks to Maxwell’s Hut in the Kedumba Valley, followed by a sausage sizzle. Read about proposals to conserve the hut. Sunday featured a walk along Erskine Creek after the AGM meeting.
The Bushwalking NSW 2017 Annual Report and AGM Agenda are now available for viewing. Read the minutes.
2016 AGM
The 2016 Annual General Meeting of Bushwalking NSW was held on Tuesday August 16 at the Redfern Town Hall Small Hall (top floor), 73 Pitt Street, Redfern.
The keynote speaker was Mike Welling, Founder of WEJUGO. He launched “It’s Sweet to Walk Soft” (ISWS), a project which seeks to promote nature conservation and protection of biodiversity and bio security in NSW, utilising the principle that people protect what they love.
The Bushwalking NSW 2015-16 Annual Report, as well as the 2016 Annual General Meeting agenda are now available for viewing by clicking on these links. Read the minutes.
2015 AGM
The 2015 Annual General Meeting of Bushwalking NSW was held on 18 August 2015 at Ashfield RSL Club.
This year we secured a very exciting guest speaker, Caro Ryan on the topicc “How to grow your club”. Check out her YouTube channel!
Caro has kindly shared her presentation slides so all clubs all over the state and beyond can benefit from her insights:
Bushwalking NSW AGM 2015 Keynote Presentation PDF
Bushwalking NSW AGM 2015 Keynote Presentation PPTX (NB: 18MB!)
The the Bushwalking NSW 2014-15 Annual Report, as well as the 2015 Annual General Meeting agenda, proposed special resolutions, and minutes are now available for viewing by clicking on these links.
2014 AGM
The 2014 Annual General Meeting of Bushwalking NSW was held at Ashfield RSL Club on Tuesday 19 August. The 2014 AGM featured
- Alex Allchin, organiser of this year’s Dunphy Kowmung Adventure, talking about his views of Bushwalking in NSW. Alex encouraged members to get out into the bush and experience an adventure.
- David Morrison launched the new website of Bushwalking NSW.
- Club Delegates elected Bushwalking NSW office bearers for 2014-15.
- David Morrison was elected as President of Bushwalking NSW.
- Members socialised over a cup of tea and finger food.
Read the agenda.
General Meeting Minutes and Agendas
ONLINE 7.30 pm Tuesday, 18th February, 2025
Topic: What did the Frenchman Francis Barrallier get up to in 1802 and why does it matter? Don’t miss Andy Macqueen OAM’s talk at our February 2025 GM to learn the answer and many other fascinating insights!
See agenda here
Tuesday, 19th November 2024 at 7.30- 9.00 pm via Zoom
Topic: Freedom to Roam- Options for bushwalkers? Presenter: Bill Boyd – Former President BNSW and Northern Rivers
Bushwalkers Club (NRBC), Current Newsletter Editor, NRBC . “Warning! Friendly Forest Workers Ahead!” Thus claimed a sign in the highlands of Scotland, some 700 km into the Scottish National Trail. Scotland’s law provides the Right to Roam, law that has opened the country up to (almost) unfettered hiking access. England’s Public Rights of Way, Bridleways and Permissive Access supports Freedom to Roam. And Europe is criss-crossed with a well-developed network of clearly signposted short (PR) and long (GR) distance tracks, giving hikers access to just about everywhere. Is there something we could learn here in Australia?
Watch the meeting video
Tuesday 21 st May 2024 at 7:30 – 9:00 PM AEST via Zoom
Topic: CBC Flourishing with Leadership Training. Presented John Evans from Canberra Bushwalking Club. John Evans told how Canberra Bushwalking Club (CBC) has taken to our leadership training course with gusto and has achieved fantastic results such as enhanced team spirit.
ONLINE 7.30 pm Tuesday, 20th February, 2024
Topic: National Park Closures.Speaker from NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service. An informative and fascinating talk by NPWS that considered how climate change is affecting our national parks and reserves and increasing the likelihood of park closures. This was a unique opportunity to hear first hand how closure decisions are made and to ask questions on potential future park closures, conditions leading to closure and likely remediation strategies.
ONLINE 7.30 pm Tuesday, 21st November, 2023
Topic: Rewilding Lake Pedder. Presenter: Tabatha Badger – campaign director of Restore Lake Pedder. It has been 51 years since Lake Pedder’s temporary flooding and it is now the conclusion of Pedder’s impounding dam’s lifespan. Lake Pedder’s revival is inevitable, amidst a climate and biodiversity crisis the Tasmanian and Federal Government could restore this global icon and show that humanity can turn the tide on environmental destruction. Registration essential.
See the Agenda and past minutes here.
Note the Special Motion: To grant honorary life membership to Bushwalking NSW Inc. to Keith Maxwell & Margaret Covi
ONLINE Tuesday 16 May 2023 at 7.20 for 7.30 pm
Topic: Member Jungle: Making club management easier. Presenter: Peter Whitely, Northern Rivers Bushwalking Club Membership Officer
Peter discussed the administrative issues previously being faced by NRBC along with a real time demonstration of how the club uses the new system. He also discussed benefits delivered including:
● more time for membership work (53 new members joined over
9 weeks)
● reduced overhead of President
● $7 per member for full automation package
● 40hrs to renew 350 members reduced to 1-2 hours
● ease of joining events and discussing weather
● new members attracted to committee due to less work required.

ONLINE Tuesday 21 February 2023 at 7 for 7.30 pm
Topic: Splendour Rock: A Bushwalkers Memorial. Presenter: Keith Maxwell, Bushwalking NSW’s Honorary Historian, former President of BSAR. Splendour Rock honours thirteen (13) bushwalkers from bushwalking clubs who died on active service during WWII. The book answers so many questions such as, who were the thirteen (13) young men, how did they die and what did they contribute to bushwalking? How have they since been remembered? Who cast the Splendour Rock plaque and when /how was it installed and then dedicated? Who were the bushwalkers who served and returned? What is the story behind the other four memorials near Splendour Rock?
ONLINE Tuesday 17 May 2022
Topic: Commercial Development in National Parks?
We are concerned that commercial enterprises are gaining access to build private lodges in our National Parks. These developments may displace traditional camping options, but more importantly, they destroy the character of wilderness which our National Parks have been established to preserve. As Bob Brown says: “a wilderness lodge is a non-sequitur”.
Are these developments legal? What framework allows these developments to occur? What are the implications of the recent amendments to the NPW Act that appear to give the Minister power to approve developments in national park estate that are not consistent with a plan of management? Does this mean that the community will have no opportunity to comment on proposed developments or even know about them in advance? Hear Dr Christopher Birch S.C. on this important topic.
Read the Agenda. See the video of the presentation. Read the minutes.
ONLINE Tuesday 15 February 2022
We heard two keynote speakers discuss their latest books.
Author talk by Dr Les Higgins: Connect with Nature: One of the Best Things You Can Do for Yourself, Others and Planet Earth. In his talk, Les shared something of the journey that has taken him – via bushwalking, trekking and other nature activities – from an acquaintanceship with nature to a deep subjective connection with it. He will also explain how he came to write a book that is both a practical manual and a book with a message for our times – that connecting with nature is good for everyone and good for nature.
Author talk by Leonie Bell: LOST: Tales of getting lost in the NSW bush. Entertained us with this delightful collection of historical accounts of people getting lost in the NSW bush! The book contains accounts of these and more: Lost Locals, Lost Children, Lost on a Stroll, Lost in the post.
See the meeting agenda. Read the Minutes. Watch the video of the meeting.
Tuesday 16 November 2021 at 7 for 7.30 pm via Zoom
Topic: Meet the management committee. At this month’s Bushwalking NSW General Meeting we had an opportunity for delegates to get to know the Bushwalking NSW Management Committee (BNSW MC)! It is important for members to know the Management Committee — effectively Bushwalking NSW’s Board of Directors. Each committee member gave a short introduction to themselves and their role on the BNSW MC.
Read the minutes. See the Agenda here
Tuesday 18 May 2021, 7pm General Meeting via Zoom
Topic: Luxury Lodges = Wilderness Lost. Speaker: James McCormack, Editor of Wild Magazine joined us online via Zoom to talk about the critical issue of luxury lodges encroaching on our National Parks. James has researched and written a two-part series in Wild addressing the push for luxury lodges and other accommodation to be built inside our national park estate. Check out the Agenda. Read the minutes.
Tuesday 16 February 2021, 7pm Online General Meeting
Dr Melissa Harper, from the University of Queensland, presented the most recent edition of her book: The Ways of the Bushwalker : On foot in Australia. This witty book reveals how the ordinary act of walking can become extraordinary. Read the minutes.
Tuesday, 24th November, 2020, 7pm Online Special General Meeting plus General Meeting
Topic: Making Tracks: How to attract $7 million+ in new walking tracks. Our clubs were invited to our Special General Meeting immediately prior to the November General Meeting with the purpose of approving the updated Constitution of Bushwalking NSW Inc. Read the Agenda. Read the Notice of Special General Meeting Watch the video: Making Tracks Bushwalking NSW General Meeting presentation
Tuesday, 19th May, 2020, 7pm ONLINE
Topic: Adapting to the new bushfire conditions.
Speaker: Professor David Bowman, Professor of Pyrogeography and Fire Science, University of Tasmania, spoke to us about the new bushfire conditions we are facing and the surprising things we need to consider to adapt to them. Our recent unprecedented bushfire season disrupted many of our outdoor adventure plans and devastated our national parks and wildlife. Unfortunately, with rising temperatures and drier years, this is only part of a trend. Hear David’s incredibly deep and broad understanding of: how bushfire affects our natural environment, what future we can expect for the national parks and wild places we love to walk in, and how we can adapt to the new conditions. Watch David’s talk. David recommended this book:Fire Country – How Indigenous Fire Management could Help Save Australiaby Victor Steffensen. David recommended this film which explains everything he is talking about:Wilder than Wild: Fire, Forests and the Future. Read the meeting agenda. See the minutes.
Tuesday, 18th February, 2020, 7pm
Topic: Exploring with teenagers and young adults. Chris Gersch (Blue Steel Dash club walks leader) shared how Blue Steel Dash managed to take a group of teenagers away for 3 weeks walking across Nepal’s Annapurna Circuit. Chris went into some of the prior preparation that allowed for this, the attitudes of the group members whilst in Nepal, and the dynamics between the older and younger members. Chris also covered approaches Blue Steel Dash took to create a safe environment for the younger members and instill that level of trust from not only those members, but their parents as well.
Plus Constitution Update- Review Bushwalking NSW’s new draft constitution here. The Constitutional changes were discussed at the February 2020 General Meeting. Agenda.
Tuesday 19 November 2019 Redfern Town Hall 7 pm. Topic: The Great West Walk,
See The Great West Walk slides here.
Presented by Ian Napier, President of The Walking Volunteers. This 65-kilometre walk stretching from Parramatta to the foot of the Blue Mountains, crosses a kaleidoscope of varying landscapes, including protected Cumberland Plain woodland, local river systems, public parklands, some of Australia’s oldest architecture and Western Sydney’s iconic urban landscapes. While the terrain is relatively flat and an abundance of shared paths make for easy walking, it is the scenery that is the great surprise. Our presenter, Ian Napier shared photos to illustrate the flavour of the route, its surprises and memorable stretches.
Ian also touched on the role of The Walking Volunteers in the process of creating the route, and the government’s concept of the Green Grid.
Read the agenda. Read the minutes. See some photos of the meeting here.
Tuesday 21 May 2019 Redfern Town Hall 7 pm. Topic: Engaging with Young People in Outdoor Adventure. Speaker: Matt Sawyer, Sport Integrity Unit, Office of Sport. Matt’s presentation looked at the benefits of including young people in Bushwalking Clubs, creating a club suitable for young people, support available to include young people, Member Protection and your Bushwalking Club. Read the agenda. Listen to the audio of the night. BNSW presentation. Duke of Edinburgh Awards presentation. Office of Sport presentation.
Tuesday 19 February 2019 Redfern Town Hall 7 pm. Topic: Bushwalking with a Purpose. There is more to bushwalking than bush walking.Speaker: Bush Explorer Yuri Bolotin talked about the difference between walking in the bush and bushwalking with a purpose. He argued that adding a purpose to your regular bush adventures could exponentially raise satisfaction and enjoyment levels of your bushwalking activities. It could even be a key to life’s happiness!See the presentation. Read the minutes. Read the agenda.
November 2018Topic: The ‘Save Kosci’ protest walk – a report from the front line. This year the NSW Government passed the Kosciuszko Wild Horse Heritage Act 2018, giving feral horses and other feral animals the right to continue damaging this unique NSW National Park, and endangering a host of threatened native species. The ‘Save Kosci’ protest walk aims to make repeal of the Kosciuszko Wild Horse Heritage Act an issue in the March 2019 NSW election. Read the minutes. Read the agenda.
20-21 October, Annual Bush Camp, Bungonia. Members enjoyed day-walks, a sausage sizzle, a talk by Sharon Fulcher on ‘Are you a bio-secure bushwalker?’, and ‘How to keep your club on track’ workshop, and met old friends and new from across NSW & the ACT. More details.
May 2018 Topic: What is the impact of raising Warragamba dam wall? Alex Allchin, President, Bushwalking NSW informed us about the latest in the NSW state government’s plans to raise the Warragamba Dam wall. The proposal would, during flood events, inundate 4,700 hectares of pristine World Heritage listed national parks and 65 kilometres of wild rivers – twice the length of the Franklin River that was under threat in the 1980s. Read the minutes. Read theagenda .
February 2018 Topic: Keeping Your Club on Track- Tips for the smooth running of bushwalking clubs. Read the agenda. See the presentation. Share your tips for how you or your club, keeps your club on track using this form. Read the minutes.
November 2017 Our keynote speaker was Carol Isaacs on the topic Adventure Conservation Adventures. Do you enjoy going beyond? Do you like going to wild places that few other people get to see? By engaging in Adventure Conservation you can ‘go beyond’. Instead of just admiring nature, you can support its flourishing, and travel to very remote wild places. Carol is an experienced Adventure Conservationist with a few stories to tell about what it is like, and how you can engage in this exciting activity. Read the Minutes. Read more.
May 2017 Our keynote speaker was Sharon Fulcher, Dip. Ed. Sharon is an Environmental Educator and NPWS Conservation Volunteer, who is currently completing a Masters of Environmental Science. She spoke on the topic ‘How can we Leave No Trace’ when bushwalking?’. Minimal Impact Bushwalking (MIB) strives to minimize our impact on the outdoors while allowing our immersion in it. Bio-security is everyone’s responsibility but has largely been missing from our MIB code. This presentation looked at the latest MIB information and resources as well as raising issues around bio-security, and how bushwalkers can aid in keeping our environment ‘clean’. View Sharon’s fabulous presentation, read the agenda and the minutes.
Feb 2017 GM Our keynote speaker was Greg Kirk, Special Ambulance Rescue Team Paramedic on the topic “How bushwalkers can prepare for rescue operations”. Here is the agenda and the interesting presentation with information on how to maintain bushwalker access by preventing the sell-off of Crown Roads. The minutes are here.
Nov 2016 GM The keynote presentations was by Matt McClelland and Helen Smith. The topics were “Bushwalking 101”, a website all about helping people better settle into bushwalking with information on everything from how to tie your shoelaces, through to collecting water in remote places, and “Naturally Accessible”, bushwalking for those with people with mobility restrictions.
Bushwalking NSW also released new Risk Management Guidelines which were developed by:
- Margaret Covi (Watagan Wanderers)
- Geoff Reed (WEA Ramblers Sydney)
- Linda Groom (Canberra Bushwalking Club)
Read the agenda and more about the speakers here. View the minutes here.
May 2016 GM We heard speaker, Anne McLeod present her biography of Marie Byles “The Summit of Her Ambition: the spirited life of Marie Byles”. Read about her presentation and view the agenda here. View the minutes here.
Feb 2016 GM: Our keynote speaker Dr Les Higgins talked on bushwalking in the light of what is known about our need for nature and the astounding array of benefits that flow from meeting that need. You can download Les’ slides from here, and listen to his talk by clicking the forward arrow below. Please note that the recording is in it’s ‘raw’ format. You may like to fast forward through the beginning when the audience are providing their feedback. Listen to Les’s talk:
The following links will provide the February 2016 General Meeting Agenda, Bushwalking NSW Presentation and Minutes. You can find out more about Les here.
17 Feb 2015 GM: Read the minutes.
19 May 2015 GM: Read the minutes.
17 Nov 2015 GM: The keynote speaker at the November General Meeting was Yuri Bolotin talking about the Gardens of Stone in Focus photographic competition. Here is the meeting Agenda and Presentation and Minutes.