
How to set up a new bushwalking club – Coffs Hikers story

On a sunny day in spring 2021, a small group of keen walkers met at the Botanic Gardens in Coffs Harbour to discuss setting up a bushwalking club. But how do you set up a club?

This is our story. We hope sharing will help others on their journey to start and manage a bushwalking club.

Start with why, then how

We began by discussing our values, which determined the form the club would take. We agreed to set up a not for profit incorporated association and to affiliate with Bushwalking NSW Inc. This provides legal protection and insurance for our volunteer and members, allowed us to open an association bank account and get an ABN (useful for grants), and to benefit from knowledge shared within the NSW peak bushwalking organisation.

The minimum number of members for an association is 5 – we met that. Next we needed a constitution, and that required making some early decisions. For example, did we want to set a maximum period for serving on the committee to prevent burn out and stagnation? What membership classes were we going to have, and could children be members? We sought input from other clubs, and opted to keep it simple.

Once the constitution had been debated and finalised, our first committee was formed. The newly appointed Public Officer was given authority to go ahead and lodge with Fair Trading, incurring our first expense. Two days later, our application was accepted and Coffs Hikers came into existence. Our domain name was registered, and work began on a website.

We went to the bank to open an account and also set up a Business Account with PayPal so that we could support online payment of fees. PayPal charge of course, but they manage all the risk around credit cards and compliance, and we were comfortable paying for automation that eases the burden on our volunteer Treasurer. We set our annual membership fee at $35, to cover insurance premiums and fund the website, with a little to spare. Our first ten members signed up and paid their fees.

Once again, our group met at the Botanic Gardens to discuss our first activity program. Talking about walks is way more fun than constitutions! The final step in the process was completing the forms for affiliation with Bushwalking NSW Inc, and paying our first insurance premium. This was done in late November, just in time for our first walk on 4th December 2021.

So, there you have it – from initial discussion to incorporation, affiliation and first activity took us two months.

Automation reduces administration

We like to walk, but we’re not so keen on admin. We would rather not have to nag people to pay fees, or update membership registers, or, as leaders, have to remember who signed up for a walk and who cancelled and how many are coming now and what is that new person’s name again? Fortunately, we had a committee member with website skills.

The aim was a modern, low cost, mobile-friendly website that was easy to use for members, volunteer leaders and committee members. Before digging into the details of the technology used, let’s begin with some thoughts on how to simplify website building.

We built what techies call a “minimum viable product”. This avoids getting bogged down in committee discussion, designing an overly complex solution. We got a basic site up quickly, and learnt from that. We also tried to avoid reinventing wheels. For example, we link to Lotsafreshairs excellent videos and the Bushwalking Manual, no need to write your own.

Lastly, it’s important to be flexible with club management processes. For example, fees can be charged on a fixed calendar year (January to December for example, with discounts after July, and further discounts for families and concession cardholders). Or they can be like a gym membership, on a rolling 12 months from the date you sign up, with no discounts, auto renewed. For us, the second option was simpler and easier to implement.

Let’s get technical

As a new club with hardly any money needing a website fast, a bespoke outsourced solution was never an option. We considered club management software such as Wild Apricot, but were put off by the high price and concerns that it attempts to do everything without excelling at anything.

So, we went for a mix-and-match approach based on WordPress, combining different tools that play nicely together. WordPress iswell-known and widely used, development skills are readily available, and it is easy for volunteers to use. While we had the luxury of a member volunteering her time, we wanted to ensure others could maintain the site in future. Cost was important too: WordPress itself is free, with a large market of competitively priced plug-ins.

Before we could start building a website, we needed hosting for our website and chose Siteground as they have servers in Australia.

The website took about two weeks to set up and test, ready for opening our doors to new members. There was some maintenance work in the first few weeks of operation, as we refined our content and processes, but ongoing website maintenance is now light.

MemberPress provided us with a login system and the ability to restrict content to members only. We set up two membership classes (Trial, Full members) with different fees. We created an online membership form with a digital acknowledgement of risk and connected it to PayPal. We also provide an option for payment by bank transfer, but hardly any people have used this.Members can update their information, if their address changes, for example. Reminders are automatically sent when membership is due for renewal. We created roles for Committee Members and Leaders, who have access to extra functionality.

We installed The Events Calendar to manage our program of walks, cycling, kayaking, meetings and social activities. A calendar overview is available to the interested public as this encourages new members to join, but only members can see details such as leaders contact information, meeting place and time. We use Registrations for The Events Calendar Pro to manage online bookings, cancellations, maximum group size and a waitlist, an attendees list, walk reminder emails and more. A pre-filled sign on sheet is emailed to the leader the night before the activity, which makes it easy to remember who is coming!

We useMailerlite to publish a monthly newsletter and for occasional surveys. We could add a member forum to the website, but chose to use a public Facebook page plus a private Facebook group instead. Both the newsletter and Facebook have been instrumental in building community.

We also set up a shared Google Drive for storing documents and working collaboratively on committee meeting minutes and finance spreadsheets, for example.

We have begun work on a database of activities which will be available to all leaders in our club. We hope this will answer the question “but I don’t know any good walks to lead” and encourage our experienced leaders to share their detailed knowledge of local trails and campsites.

What works for you?

There are many paths to systems to support a club and build a community, these were our choices. We’d be interested to hear what has worked for other clubs, and your ideas for the future. We are still learning and improving!

Guest post by Yvonne Everett, Coffs Hikers President

Let us know what works for you here

Tourism development in protected areas – Analysis by John Souter

Nothing dollarable is safe, however guarded.

What was true in the USA in 1909, when legendary American conservation crusader John Muir wrote those words, remains equally true in Australia in 2023. As proof, look no further than the suite of developments and proposals for tourism development in protected areas multiplying throughout the national parks estate. The race to commercialisation in some of our protected places has become a vexed issue.

The popularity of Tasmania’s Three Capes Walk has had mainland state bureaucracies salivating at the prospect of emulating the feat, even though there’s no telling whether it is actually making money for Tasmanian Parks and Wildlife. Commercial-in-confidence provisions in the relevant leasing and licensing contracts see to that. The ‘iconic walk’ fairy dust is now being sprinkled liberally all over the place. And with the iconic walk sobriquet invariably comes the business case pressure to commercialise and privatise in some way.

Thus we have the Australian Walking Company succeeding in its proposal to build eco-pods in the Flinders Chase National Park on Kangaroo Island, in which to house its guided walking clients on the 5-day Kangaroo Island Wilderness Trail. Expect to pay around $800 per night per person for the privilege. In this case the word ‘wilderness’ is something of a marketing tool but there have been serious proposals by such companies to build luxury accommodation in more remote designated wilderness areas: an unsolicited (and unsuccessful) proposal to do so on the Kanangra to Katoomba (K to K) walk through the Kanangra-Boyd and Blue Mountains Wilderness areas a few years ago springs to mind.

Such proposals are concocted, oblivious to the fact that the phrases ‘wilderness lodge’ ‘wilderness resort’ or even ‘wilderness hut’ are all oxymorons. But most of our national parks are not declared wilderness and the legal restraints that apply are fewer.

In coastal southern Queensland, there’s a proposal to build 10 ‘eco’ huts sixty metres up the banks of perched Poona Lake near Rainbow Beach in Great Sandy National Park to facilitate commercial guided walking on the Cooloola Great Walk. This national park also encompasses k’gari (Fraser Island); it’s only k’gari’s protection as a world heritage site preventing such development there.

Meanwhile, Victoria has come up with the Falls to Hotham Alpine Crossing that will stretch an overnight backpack walk into a 5-day, 57-kilometre affair at the cost of many tens of millions of dollars. The consequent ‘low impact’ huts (with up to 10 two or three-person huts, a communal hut and two toilets at each site, this is more akin to a mini mountain village) are to be built at taxpayer expense but not available to the independent walker: the ‘preferred model’ is to lease them to a single private operator who would also operate the high-end accommodation and guided hiking package at around $800 per night.

Parks Victoria has already set its own precedent with the huts it had constructed at two walk-in campsites along the northern section of the new Grampians-Peaks-Trail. You can stay in these 4-person eco-huts so long as you employ the guiding and cooking services of either the Grampian Peaks Walking Company or Raw Travel and sign up for a 3-day guided walk: expect to pay around $900 each per night. When not being used by the two commercial operators (that is, most of the time), the huts lie unoccupied.

New South Wales has come late to the party but is busily making up for lost time. First up on the far south coast, the controversial Light to Light Walk upgrade, featuring two new huts. An earlier version of the proposal, modified after a public backlash, excluded independent walkers from camping at certain scenic sites and sought to force them to camp at the existing and less salubrious drive-in camp sites. The stay at the Green Cape lighthouse at walk’s end will be available exclusively to Light to Light walkers and will no doubt be bulk booked by commercial operators who will likewise seek access to the new huts on a bulk-booked basis.

At $56 million, the 4-day Dorrigo Escarpment Great Walk will also have 3 new (basic) huts and campsites and a swish new Rainforest Visitor Centre. It is unclear whether it will be publicly managed or not: the department website states, ominously, that detailed operational procedures and pricing are not yet provided.

No such ambiguity with the proposed Great Southern Walk between Kurnell and Sublime Point. This 67-kilometre walk traversing Kamay Botany Bay NP, Royal NP and the Illawarra Escarpment State Conservation Area, is already open for Expressions of Interest to find a suitable delivery partner even though no new infrastructure has been built yet. Once the new huts and campsites are completed, the suitable partner will ‘help run the guided walking and manage the new camping experiences using the new facilities’: more outsourcing to a private operator on an exclusive basis. The rationale for this – and I quote – ‘it … allows us [NPWS] to get on with managing our visitors and conserving the natural and cultural values of the national park.’ [Department of Environment website]

Apparently, managing walkers’ huts and campsites isn’t considered by NPWS to be part of managing visitors. If NPWS lacks the expertise to do so it should be recruiting skilled staff because the ‘provision for sustainable visitor or tourist use and enjoyment…’ is one of the legislated management principles under which it operates. You can bet that if a guided-walks operator is managing the new huts, their clients will get priority or even exclusivity, with independent walkers relegated to the camping platforms.

For something far more egregious, look to the plans for the long awaited and recently created Gardens of Stone State Conservation Area (SCA). No sooner had it been declared than a draft Plan of Management was released for public consultation. The problem with this slimline document was it had almost nothing of substance in it. All detail of what is being proposed for the SCA – a veritable theme park in the park’s ‘Lost City’ area – was devolved to a separate document: a draft Master Plan for the delivery of $50 million-worth of eco-adventure tourism.

The problem (or, more cynically, the trick) is that the master plan is a non-statutory document – it doesn’t need to be adopted by the Environment Minister, nor would it require public consultation to alter it; it could be changed at will. Along with zip-line courses, a via ferrata rock scrambling course and 4WD touring routes, there will be the multi-day hut-to-hut Wollemi Great Walk. No doubt, the huts, to be built with taxpayer funding, will again be effectively privatised through a long-term lease to a ‘preferred operator’, an all-too-familiar trope.

There are other ways of operating such long-distance walks that are still compatible with the high-end market. You can walk Victoria’s popular Great Ocean Walk the luxe way, staying off-park each night at the same luxury walkers lodge (midway at Johanna, which is not part of the park) and being transported with your daypack each day to the trailhead. Similarly, WA’s Cape to Cape Walk can be done in guided luxury, staying at Margaret River.

Kosciuszko’s new 55-km, 4-day Snowies Alpine Walk between Guthega and Lake Crackenback (Thredbo River) will be able to be walked self-guided or guided but staying at existing infrastructure at Guthega, Charlotte Pass and Perisher. Close to home, Shoalhaven’s soon-to-open 34-km Murramarang Coast Walk can be walked pack-free and with a roof over your head, staying either off-park (operators are already advertising guided package deals) or on-park at pre-existing accommodation, for example the cabins at Pebbly Beach, Depot Beach and Pretty Beach. But with bureaucracies feeling the political imperative to monetise the national parks estate in return for the sudden windfall funding for tourist infrastructure, this model seems to be on the wane. Put simply, there’s not enough money in it.

The argument is inevitably made that guided hut-to-hut walks increase equity of access by enabling people to complete such walks who would not otherwise be able to do so. This may be true in theory but in practice, the high costs of such guided walks in Australia preclude the majority of people availing themselves of the opportunity.

I recently attended a full-day symposium organised by Bushwalking NSW on Tourism in Protected Areas and not surprisingly, several of these case studies were discussed. It’s fair to say there wasn’t a lot of love in the room for commercial enterprises seeking exclusivity or for National Parks management seeking to outsource responsibility for managing the assets that are, after all, publicly owned and taxpayer funded.

So what is a reasonable stance to take on these issues? There is a (hard)core of bushwalkers who decry any roofed accommodation and related infrastructure ever being built in our national parks. They would hold to the idea that only self-reliant and self-sufficient walkers have any place venturing there on multi-day excursions. This is not what I’m advocating here. I don’t have an in-principle problem with huts in our national parks – either pre-existing or newly-built – if they are truly low-key, sensitively placed and having a low environmental impact. Huts have a particularly valuable place in more hostile environments and I’ve slept in plenty over the years. It’s the model that’s the problem. Given that our national parks and other such protected areas are all public land (unlike, say, European national parks), my first objection is to any form of de facto privatisation: giving commercial entities exclusive long-term leases on public infrastructure or on land on which to build their own.

I don’t object to paying a (modest) premium for staying in a basic hut rather than using an associated campsite. But there should always be a choice. Nor do I object to commercial operators providing guiding, cooking, pack transportation, food drops, trailhead client transport and the like under an appropriate licensing agreement. But such arrangements should be transparent, contestable and nonexclusive and the financial details should not be shrouded in commercial-in-confidence.

My biggest objection is to any attempts to mandate the use of huts, private or public, as a precondition for undertaking a multi-day walk a la the Three Capes Walk template. At the end of his presentation at the above-mentioned symposium, I asked a very senior NPWS manager why the Green Gully track – a 65-km walk in the NSW Oxley Wild Rivers National Park – is off limits to tent-based walkers. Self-guided walkers are required to move each day between the 5 pre-booked, six-person huts for which solo bookings are not accepted. The cost, though a small fraction of comparable commercial guided walks, is considerably higher than the Overland Track. I got a sheepish reply that this walk’s overly prescriptive regulation is an aberration, a mistake not to be repeated. I fear otherwise. Thank you to Rob Blakers for Three Capes Accommodation Footprint images.

Three Capes 9/11/15

Three Capes 9/11/15


Know your Clubs – YMCA Hobnails

Hobnail Canyon is a short, pleasant canyon located just off the Bell Road past Mt Tomah.  Now hobnails are a kind of boot cleat popular in the pre-WWII era.  They were nailed onto the leather sole of boots to minimise slipping.  Did the first bushwalkers through the canyon wear boots or were they from YMCA Hobnails Bushwalking Club?

From 1952 to 1970 the Hobnails were a club of young men 17 – 21 years of age with a strong reputation.  This club was just one of a strong group of bushwalking clubs in the YMCA during 1950s / 1960s where boys could progress into bushwalking as they grew older.

Young Pioneers included boys 12 – 14 years of age.  These boys could then progress to the Venturers (not Scouts) as they grew to 17 years old.  When my younger brother joined the Venturers in 1969, they were down to just three members and were officially folded up a few years later.  From 18 years of age young men and women (note) could join the YMCA Ramblers.

The YMCA Ramblers were the longest lived of these clubs.  Formed in November 1938 by Harry Black and three others it lost two members in WWII.  At their AGM of 1978 the Ramblers left the YMCA but had a final BBQ at Neilson Park on 23 November 2003.

The Ramblers always had a tense relationship with the Young Men’s Christian Association (YMCA).  Not every member had a tent, so they were often shared including ‘co-tenting’.

‘Old’ Hobnails were meant to progress to the Ramblers except that they mostly didn’t instead going to the Kameruka Bushwalking Club (KBC).   From 1946 to 1988 the KBC were renowned for doing tough and exploratory bushwalks.

So, what did hobnails look like?  Dunlop Volleys sandshoes were all the go for the Hobnails bushwalkers.  I can remember an ex-Hobnail telling me that he could not recognise a hobnail (boot cleat) when he was shown one.

You can find club badges for the Hobnails, Ramblers and KBC among many others at the Bushwalking NSW website club badges page.

Keith Maxwell – Honorary Historian BNSW.


Splendour Rock book

Did you know that there are four other memorials in the immediate area of the plaque at Splendour Rock in the Wild Dog Mountains.  A detailed, fully researched book by Michael Keats and Keith Maxwell is now with the printer.  For any bushwalker with even a passing interest in Splendour Rock this will become a go to reference.

Splendour Rock honours thirteen (13) bushwalkers from clubs who died on active service during WWII. While Splendour Rock has been described as ‘God’s Balcony’ with its views of the Southern Blue Mountains it was not the first choice of a site for a memorial.

The book answers so many questions such as, who were the thirteen (13) young men, how did they die and what did they contribute to bushwalking?  How have they since been remembered?  Who cast the Splendour Rock plaque and when / how was it installed and then dedicated?  Who were the bushwalkers who served and returned?  How were they supplied comforts from home?  What is the story behind the other four memorials.

A great read and a great reference not to be missed.  Watch out for a book launch early in 2023.

Keith Maxwell.

BNSW Honorary Historian.


Lost City walkabout

A weekend walk through the Gardens of Stone lead by Keith Muir

It was an easy start to the weekend staying Friday night at Keith Muir’s place in Katoomba and then being driven to the car shuffle and then to the start of the walk.

We started walking on broad fire trails that passed through unspectacular heath on the Gardens of Stone State Conservation Area not far from Lithgow. However, before long Keith and the others stopped at a large rock on the side of the road which gave a view over an amazing valley. We were looking down over a huge canyon-shaped valley lined with intricate pagoda structures. The Lost City. It truly was reminiscent of an ancient city with each pagoda-shaped ‘tower’ with its rounded ‘head’ and ironstone fenestrations.

We walked down the hill into the valley and the view of the Lost City just got better. As we got up close to the structures you could see the sandwiched layers of ironstone and sandstone. With the sandstone weathered away leaving the ironstone jutting out.

In places the ironstone was twisted and curled up making even more beautiful structures.

We walked through the valley floor which was filled with beautiful bush before Keith identified a ridge which we could climb to reach our campground. The climb was a steep scramble at times and we needed to find our way around some rock formations but we made it without a hitch. Keith really knows this area well.

We walked across the plateau and then climbed up more pagoda formations. Getting close enough to the pagodas to climb them makes you super aware of how fragile they are. The ironstone layers that jut out and give the pagodas their intricate decoration are unsupported and easily break off. We were extra careful with every step to be sure we didn’t break off rock as we climbed.

After admiring the view from the top we headed across the plateau to our campground in a lovely clearing near a water soak. We enjoyed our meals around a campfire and headed to bed early to get a good rest.

On the Sunday Keith lead us on a circuitous route through another canyon-like valley surrounded by pagodas. The bush was beautiful and we all enjoyed our lunch beside a beautiful pagoda. We then walked out to the car shuffle car with no trouble.

I’m so grateful to Keith for showing me this precious part of the world. Having seen the pagodas from afar and up close, and having seen how fragile they are, I am inclined to write to NPWS and ask that they:

  1. ban people from walking or climbing the pagodas of the Lost City, and
  2. develop walking tracks that pass close by the pagodas so people can enjoy them.

If this area is opened up to mass tourism, with people allowed to climb the pagodas, I can see their delicate ironstone protrusions getting snapped off until there are no more protrusions giving the pagodas their delicate filigree-like decoration. Surely we need to take care of these delicate structures to the next generations can enjoy them as we do.

Have your say on Facebook or by email to

Lightweight Hiking

Lightweight Hiking

As we all know, the lighter your pack, the more you will enjoy your multi-day hiking adventure in Australia or overseas.

With this in mind, Byron Community College recently ran a Lightweight Hiking Course which gave participants expert advice on choosing the lightest affordable equipment and dehydrated food.

A highlight of the Course was a gourmet hike cooking class with dishes such as:

  • Miso soup
  • Linguine with speck, hard fried in ghee and garlic and embellished with fresh snow peas and shaved parmesan
  • Thai rice with coconut milk, lemon grass, snow peas and chilli tuna fillets
  • Chocolate chia pudding with coconut milk
  • Billy tea

The Course also included a local day ‘off track’ hike and the option of overnight camping and hiking experience.

The Lightweight Hiking Course was presented by Steve Millard from Byron Hikers who has extensive experience planning and leading hundreds of hikes all over Australia and the remote Indian Himalaya. Steve loves sharing his knowledge to encourage more people to experience the simple pleasures of hiking in the wilderness. Most importantly Steve wants more people to become aware of the need for conservation of our precious national parks and natural areas. Email Steve at for more information.

This lightweight hiking class will run again through the Byron College in February/March 2023. For those keen to learn more hiking recipes the book Xtreme Gourmet has lots of information on ‘high energy, lightweight recipes for the outdoor enthusiast’.


Mudgee Bushwalking and Bike Riding Inc.

Three Capes Walk Tasmania, 13-16 September, Victoria Mcadam

Where would we be without our Elly and Joby who organised everything..
All 16 of us very happy traveler’s
say thank you.
Wouldn’t happen without all your effort.
We arrived in Hobart a little late, a slight moment of concern was had that the hire car company might be closed, we were reassured that the ‘bus’ was still in the parking lot and was waiting for us,
the kind gent at the desk had waited.
We mounted a search..
That parking lot was at least 3 million acres!!
Possibly more.
It was cold..
Right at the far end sat the bus!!!
We piled in..
Eric at the wheel and with Karen as the navigator we found our accommodation with ease..
the next day we proceeded to enjoy some shopping,
Some folks went to MONA.
I had no clue what MONA was until the
recount of the experience was given the next day with slightly graphic details of the images seen..
Others saw the botanic gardens.
2 lovely days in Hobart, scrummy breakfasts at the AWOL Cafe..
Seafood at the dock.
Mt Wellington and Mt Nelson
After strategically packing the bus the next day to start the drive to Port Arthur and the walking adventure, loading the humans in the bus who had to sit in the back first then filling every available space with back packs and suitcases..
We were on our way..
Like a very large can of laughing sardines..

This would be where I say this bunch of people are amazing,
What a pleasure to spend a week in their company.
Eric as our fearless organiser and driver,
May I say Eric works well under the pressure of having a bus full of sardines laughing and talking..
The walk began,
After a rather
zippy, splashy, chilly bracing,
boat ride we were dropped off in the middle of the freezing ocean…
we only had to paddle to the beach but it was fresh up to the neck…
Ok up to the ankle..

Along the track the cabins were
Surveyor hut, Monroe and Retakauna,
Each camp site was fully equipped with a park ranger with a story, a poem or a slight horror story of an adventurer having a mishap to ‘entertain’ us..

Some of the track was set out so the walkers reach a viewing point, however the walk itself was as grand as the destination..the glimpses along the track of the rugged coast, the flowers, massive gum trees, the mosses, rain forests and the tree ferns, the amount of work put into the 20 million dollar walkway is evident under every footstep.
All the colours are stunning, together with an occasional sighting of a beautiful bird happy days were enjoyed.
The showers on the second night saw the rather distinct smell leave us.
I’m sure I saw a possum take flight
( I know possums can’t fly..
but this one had a go)
Off it went..
when a certain walker went in for a names mentioned GH
A bucket or two of deliciously hot water hoisted up with a rope within the outdoor curved tin shower room.
One of us might have snuck in an extra shower the next day….
A successful walk for everyone..

Walking is a great conversation starter, to chat as you walk is a great way to get to know each other, hearing laughter up ahead is always a good sign.
Voices echoed words of delight at the sight of the views.
I’m sure we were all aching at the same rate by the end of the 4 days and some had a blister or two but we laughed, played cards and ate not very nice packet food..
life is so good.
As Fortesque Bay neared and the end of the walk came into view through the serious rain our bones were cold..
A night at The Fox and the Hound saw us scrubbed up and ready for dinner ..
Another night back at Hobart for diner at the oldest pub in Australia..
The bus was delivered back to the starting mark, undamaged and with no odour of smelly socks or soggy backpacks..
To have such a beautiful experience I consider us all to be incalculable lucky.


Our September Club: Mudgee Bushwalking and Bike Riding Inc.

Mudgee Bushwalking and Bike Riding Inc.’s current membership is over 70 with several Life Members and Junior members are always encouraged to join. There is a motivated committee to assist in the daily Club running’s but the organisation is very much a shared responsibility. Most riders also walk, but it doesn’t necessarily happen in reverse. About 60% do both activities.

The group meets quarterly, with the AGM held in June- 7pm start. Quarterly Meetings have a 7:00pm start. The Wednesday evening begins at 6pm in a local hostelry, where as many as wish meet for dinner. Then everyone adjourns to the Presbyterian Church Rooms in Mortimer Street, where they are joined by others for the formal meeting and a light supper.

Members volunteer to organise individual events for the coming three months, be it walks, rides or camping weekends. The committee form the co-ordination and oversee the activities to ensure all guidelines are met. Whatever happens, there will be something to do during many weekends. The first and third Sunday of the month have been allocated for an activity.

Riders also meet on Tuesday and Thursday mornings in Mudgee and on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays in Kandos/Rylstone. Walks and rides are usually graded according to difficulty. Camping weekends are organised according to the time of year and climatic conditions. Many walks are relatively local, but some venture further a field. Longer bike rides are ably supported by non-biking members who provide back-up vehicles.

Members come from across the whole district as far north as the Totnes Valley and, in the south, from Rylstone and Kandos, Gulgong and Dunedoo. Hopefully there is always a good balance of locations for both walks and rides. Where possible, and if preferred car sharing helps with the economic use of transport.

There is no expectation for members to attend all events. People join in as they are able. The aim is to provide a program of events which is all inclusive. On occasions some members may be taken out of their comfort zone through a more challenging walk or ride. This is made possible by the brilliant support and encouragement of other more confident participants.

This year the club is celebrating over 30 years of walks and socials and meetings – (with around 15 members enjoying the “outback” for the past week)- alas 4 returned with Covid. We still have some of the inaugural members that are a true inspiration to us all. A few are now “Life Member’s” & do not participate unless we sneak them out of their retirement home or living quarters for a BBQ or social gathering

This week the Club purchased another piece of equipment – a GARMIN GPS 66i. We are quite proud of our new toy and we have been spending some time figuring it out! This compliments all the other Club devices ie PLB, Walkie Talkie, Defib, 2 fully outfitted first aid kits, – you never can be too sure or safe these days.

To further compliment the equipment we are hosting (club style) an “Education Day” for members where we dig out the maps & compass and back to basics and all equipment and let the experienced do a show & tell for the less or new keen members.

At our AGM in June we were successful in obtaining a keen new President Victoria Mcadam, who is interested to learn all the ropes and to encourage members along the way.

Newcastle Ramblers 60th Anniversary

Formed in 1961 as Newcastle YMCA Ramblers Bushwalking Club, the Club later became just Newcastle Ramblers. The club was due to celebrate its 60th birthday last year, but COVID caused several postponements. The celebration is now scheduled for Saturday 15 October and will be held at Rathmines Hall on Lake Macquarie.

The day will begin early with activities in the area for those interested (walks, kayaking and cycling) before a welcome and morning tea. Several members will then give short talks on the early days of the club and up to today. The talks will be followed by a catered lunch and more social time. For those interested there may be a barbecue in the park beside the lake afterwards.

Former members or anyone interested is welcome to attend. Even if you cannot come we would still like to hear from you.

Please contact Bob Clifton by email – or by phone on 0417 624 091 by 15 September.

Wilsons Prom 1996


The Bush Club

Hidden Sydney – Balmain, Monday 18 July 2022, Col Prentice and Trevor McAlister

A total of 25 Bush Club participants discovered Hidden Sydney while walking from Circular Quay to Circular Quay via Balmain and the ferry. Participants benefited from the combined expertise of two experienced leaders/historians while walking around this most interesting of Sydney’s suburbs. Col Prentice lead the morning session and Trevor McAlister lead after lunch.

Our walk was mostly on pavement and explored places in Balmain that we probably hadn’t been to before while alerting us to traces of history that still remain visible today. There was a brief commentary and plenty of opportunity to stroll and reflect on Sydney’s past.

Highlights of the walk included a widows’ walk, a tram drivers’ dunny, a policeman’s out-house, a house of a former NSW Premier (he sired 17 children and married at 80; can you guess who?), a cross harbour tunnel built in 1924, a place celebrated for the first game of Rugby League played, a spectacularly fine day, a sea voyage, a bus ride and a happy, outgoing and generous group of people. All this and more could have been yours if you had taken the opportunity to join us. And remember, twelve panes of glass equals one Georgian cottage and regular exercise equals longevity. We all look forward to seeing you next time!

Our August Club: The Bush Club

The Bush Club started on 19th September 1939, mainly as a result of the initiative of Marie Byles and Paddy Pallin. Marie was concerned that the rather rigorous tests to obtain entry to bush walking clubs existing at the time excluded genuine lovers of the bush who were unwilling or unable to pack walk and camp out overnight. Marie believed that the essential qualifications for members should be a genuine love of the bush, a desire to protect it and a willingness to extend the hand of friendship to other bushwalkers.

Paddy had similar motivation in joining with Marie to form the club. He hoped the club would comprise walkers of moderate ability who would not be forced to indulge in camping if they had no wish to do so. Paddy was also strongly of the view that if people became bushwalkers they would also become lovers of the bush and would join the ranks of the conservationists seeking its protection. These thoughts remain the main aim of the Bush Club.

Today The Bush Club organises fun activities in the outdoors. From easy strolls to the adrenaline tough walks; from lakes to mountains; and from the city to the magical bush. The Club believes that getting outdoors and enjoying the wonderful bush around us is a great boost for the body and soul.

Joining The Bush Club is a great way to meet new people and make great friends. Club members are a diverse and friendly bunch who share experiences, learn new things and help each other along the way.


Happy 90th Birthday Bushwalking NSW and Blue Gum Forest!

On 21 July it will be 90 years since the Federation of Bushwalking Clubs (now Bushwalking NSW) held its inaugural meeting. Soon after, on 2 September, we’ll see the 90th anniversary of the reservation of the iconic Blue Gum Forest, in the Grose Valley, following a campaign by bushwalkers.

The two events are not unrelated. The success of the collective action by the walkers had encouraged them to form the umbrella group which would assist Myles Dunphy and others in their campaigns to create national parks. Blue Gum Forest was the kernel of today’s Greater Blue Mountains World Heritage Area, and is the cradle of the modern conservation movement in NSW. You can read more about this in Andy Macqueen’s book “Back from the Brink: Blue Gum Forest and the Grose Wilderness”, which is available at Blue Mountains bookshops and here.

Celebratory campout

The saving of Blue Gum Forest will be celebrated on the weekend of 3-4 September 2022 by a campout in the Grose Valley, at The Meadow (near Acacia Flat). Attendance will be limited to members of clubs affiliated with Bushwalking NSW, and their families.

The agenda will include a ceremony at the forest on Saturday afternoon and a communal campfire in the evening. On Sunday morning some interpretive ambles will be on offer, the topics including birds, plants and geology.

The activity is being organised by volunteers, with the support of NPWS. Participants will have to make their own way in and out of the valley. Numbers will be capped at 80. Registration is essential and will be on a first-in-first-served basis. All participants:

  • Must be a member of a bushwalking club, or accompany such a person as a member of their family.
  • Will preferably be in a party organised under the rules of that club.
  • Must be experienced and self-reliant overnight walkers, or in the care of such a person. The access tracks are steep and involve 600 metres of vertical descent/ascent.
  • Are expected to car-pool, to limit traffic congestion at the track-heads.
  • Be packed up and making their way out of the valley by noon on Sunday.

Further details, including advice concerning track conditions (and closures if any) will be sent to registrants prior to the weekend.

For all enquiries please email Monica Nugent at

Every person, including family members, must be registered. REGISTER HERE.