Bushwalking NSW has produced various bushwalking publications since its inception in 1932 as the NSW Federation of Bushwalking Clubs New South Wales, later re-named the Confederation of Bushwalking Clubs of NSW. These include newsletters, magazines, promotional material and safety information.
Pamphlets and promotional material
Enjoy a little virtual walk in the past with a range of old publicity pamphlets for Bushwalking NSW. The current website of BNSW is, of course, the latest version of a publicity pamphlet.
Sometimes we give away more than we realise when we publish material. It becomes a little time capsule. The style, shape and colour of these pamphlets reflects their time of production. So, would BNSW now say “MOUNTAINS MAKE MEN” as it did just after World War II?
Enjoy your little walk.
NSW Federation of Bushwalking Clubs
The Bushwalker Magazine
The magazine published by NSW Confederation of Bushwalking Clubs (today known a Bushwalking NSW), carried the name The Bushwalker and has been produced since 1937. Find the archived magazines from 1947 to 2017 here.
Bushwalking NSW Newsletter
Bushwalking NSW publishes a monthly E-newsletter detailing current activities and updates on issues of concern to member clubs. Find back issues from 2013 to the current edition here.
Other historical publications
- In 1947 the Confederation decided to erect a bushwalkers’ war memorial at Splendour Rock in the Blue Mountains. For a list of bushwalkers remembered on the War Memorial Honour Roll at Splendour Rock click here.
- Traditionally, many bushwalking clubs produced a club badge embroidered with their emblem. This badge was proudly displayed on members’ backpacks. Today, fewer and fewer clubs observe the tradition. Click here to see a selection of these badges.
- See our History page for more links to archival material.
- The State Library of NSW holds many archival documents relating to Bushwalking NSW.