Bushwalking NSW President, Alex Allchin, reading the program
This year there was a strong crowd of mid-week walkers present on ANZAC Day to remember the dedication of the Splendour Rock plaque 70 years ago in 1948. Background notes were read out about installing the plaque before the usual simple but of course moving ceremony. The service is roughly timed to have a spectacular climax with sunrise and cloud this year gave us a special sunrise over Kings Tableland.
The author and Bushwalking NSW President (in hat) Alex Allchin both assisted in this ceremony which opened to a welcome to country and concluded with the National Anthem. A bugler played ‘The Last Post’.
Splendour Rock is an outstanding vantage point with around a 220 degree sweep of view that goes well into the distance. It is also hard to tire of the “Wild Dogs” access walk with its mix of forest and rock pass / ups and downs. Overnight near Splendour Rock a little tent village pops up. There is a certain magic in an ANZAC Day visit to Splendour Rock. 2019 could be a good year to sense the magic of this place. Put the date in your diary now.
Keith Maxwell.

Splendour Rock 2018 sunrise
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