

Bushwalkers around the camp fire enjoy a camping trip

Bushwalking NSW Incorporated is the peak body for bushwalkers in NSW and the ACT. It makes submissions representing the interests of over 12,000 bushwalkers from 68 bushwalking clubs throughout the state, and provides a united voice to local, state and federal government agencies and other bodies on issues affecting bushwalkers. (Bushwalking NSW Inc. was formerly known as the Confederation of Bushwalking Clubs of NSW.)

Our submissions

2024 JuneConservationSubmission-Notice-of-Intention-to-grant-a-lease-in-the-Gardens-of-Stone-SCA
2024 FebruaryConservationFinal Submission Red Fire Ants
2024 JanuaryConservationGardens of Stone-GoSA letter to Min Sharpe
2024 JanuaryConservationSubmission - Dorrigo NP, Bindarri NP and Bindarri SCA draft PoM and Dorrigo Escarpment Great Walk draft Master Plan
2023 DecemberConservationProposed amendment Gardens of Stone NP PoM
2023 DecemberConservationProposed Amendment - Wollemi NP PoM
2023 SeptemberConservationRed Fire Ant Funding
2023 SeptemberConservationWarragamba Dam Wall Raising
2023 SeptemberConservationSubmission_Draft POM Blue Mountains NP
2023 SeptemberConservationWild horses-Kosciuszko NP submission
2023 JanuaryConservationGardens of Stone Proposed leases
2022 DecemberConservationWarragamba Dam Wall Raising
2022 NovemberConservationSubmission Kuring-gai NP Draft PoM
2022 NovemberConservationSubmission on Kosciuszko NP PoM
2022 OctoberConservationSubmission on Illawarra Escarpment SCA PoM
2022 JulyConservationSubmission Gardens of Stone PoM
2022 JulyConservationFinal - Submission by Bushwalking NSW Inc - Gardens of Stone (Stage 2) - Draft Plan of Management - July 2022
2022 JuneConservationSE Forest Ammendments to Plan of Management
2021 OctoberConservationSubmission -Review of Environmental Factors - Light to Light Walk, Ben Boyd National Park
2021 NovemberConservationWild Horse Management Plan KNP
2021 JulyConservationDraft Plan of Management for Royal, Heathcote NPs and Garawarra SCA
2021 AugustConservationPlan of Management -Kosciuszko National Park
2021 AugustConservationSnowy Mountains Activation Precinct - Master Plan-Final
2020 DecemberTracks and AccessNSW Leading Destination for Outdoor Recreation
2020 AprilConservationIndependent Bushfire Inquiry
2020ConservationAngus Place Mine Extension
2019 SeptemberConservationPlanning for the future - Ku-rin-gai Chase
2019 AugustTracks and AccessLight-to_Light Walk Strategy (draft)
2015 JuneTracks and AccessConfederation Submission on Mountain Biking