Byron Hikers – Extreme adventure in the remote Kimberley!
Four members of Byron Hikers Club recently undertook an amazing adventure – a 14-Day exploration of the Drysdale River in the Solea Falls area. Drysdale River National Park in the northern tip of the remote East Kimberley is one of the least accessible national parks in Australia. There are no public roads, no airstrips and no tracks – the park is pack raft or seaplane access only.
The Drysdale River flows through a magnificent pristine and untouched landscape. The Drysdale River NP is the kingdom of nature and showcases vast tracts of Kimberley wilderness featuring open woodland, gorges, cliffs, waterfalls and the creeks of the Drysdale River. The many water holes allowed for lots of swimming and every night our camp was a ‘dream’ site.
However, the real treasure of this magical place are the hundreds of hypnotic Gwion Gwion figures, an ancient Aboriginal painting style describing a forgotten time of dancing and ceremonies. Byron Hikers visited different rock shelters every day. See the Byron Hikers Facebook page for more information.